Giant Rabbit
It is easy to think that a rabbit needs to be wrapped up to survive the winter but outdoor rabbits are extremely tolerant of cold conditions provided they have shelter, plenty of bedding and sufficient ventilation.With the onslaught of winter just around the corner, it’s time to check that our rabbits are protected from the wind, rain and drops in temperature.But is it just a case of moving the hutches undercover, or should you be giving more thought to keeping our animals warm this winter?For fanciers who keep several rabbits within a shed or similar construct, the effects of the cold weather are perhaps easier to cope with as the temperature can be controlled and adequate ventilation (which was necessary in the summer) can be made available For people who keep rabbits outside in a hutch or blocks of hutches, it is common to think that a rabbit needs to be wrapped up to survive the winter- but outdoor rabbits are extremely tolerant of cold conditions provided they have shelter, plenty...